No Justice Without Peace: 3rd Biennial Gathering of Peacemakers
April 23-24, 2014 (Oklahoma)
The Tribal Judicial Institute, in collaboration with the Chickasaw Nation, Fox Valley Technical College (FVTC), National Tribal Judicial Center (NTJC) and the Native American Rights Fund (NARF), will be hosting No Justice Without Peace: 3rd Biennial Gathering of Peacemakers at the Artesian Hotel in Sulphur, OK on April 22-24, 2014. This conference will introduce participants to indigenous justice methodologies and examples of how such methodologies are being incorporated into tribal justice systems. Highlights of the event include:
Tuesday April 22 – PRE-CONFERENCE
Input from tribal leaders, tribal court personnel and peacemakers is welcomed during this pre-conference. Please plan to attend and participate in this important discussion.
- DOJ/BIA Pre-conference Listening Session Regarding Peacemaking
- Peacemaking Initiative: Feedback Session
Wednesday April 23-24- MAIN CONFERENCE
Agenda items include but shall not be limited to:
- Peace and Justice Between World Views
- Roundtable Discussion on the Depth pf Peacemaking and Importance of Process
- Victimization to Criminality: How the Cycle of Injustice Continues
- Preparing te Next Generation of Peacemakers through Academia
- Positive Aspects of Peacemaking in Tribal Communities
- Peacemaking Programs at Work in Tribal Nations
- Child Protection Programs and Peacemaking
- Matriarchal Nature of Justice and Peacemaking
- Specialty Courts Using the Peacemaking Model
- Peacemaking in the Court
- Integrated Justice Models
Targeted Audience: Tribal Leaders, Tribal Judges, Peacemakers, Tribal Court Planners, Tribal Prosecutors, Tribal Attorneys and Tribal Justice System Officials. We also welcome practitioners from Federal and State justice systems who may be providing services to tribal communities and tribal members.