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T Salazar

Registration for the 2nd Annual Peacemaking Colloquium is Now Open!

Registration for the 2nd Annual Peacemaking Colloquium is Now Open! Happening this September 29th & 30th.  NARF’s IPI is a co-sponsor of this event, designed primarily to give interested people an introduction to peacemaking. It is intended for general audiences, so register today! TO REGISTER: Either click on the image above or follow this link:

Traditional Notions of Conflict Resolution: Keynote Speech by Dr. Ernest Uwazie

Traditional Notions of Conflict Resolution: Keynote Speech by Dr. Ernest Uwazie Uwazie’s list of Key Traditional African Conflict Resolution Values will look familiar to practitioners and students of peacemaking: Reconciliation Collaboration Consensus Building Restorative Integrative Adaptation/Customary Problem Solving This short recording is eye-opening to help realize similar issues and foundations shared by indigenous communities across the world. It is worth the time investment in viewing, providing examples and generalizations of outcomes, etc. that will… Read More »Traditional Notions of Conflict Resolution: Keynote Speech by Dr. Ernest Uwazie

Gichi-apiitendaa Gwad (Congratulations) Judge Petoskey

Gichi-apiitendaa Gwad (Congratulations) Judge Petoskey Judge Petoskey, a member of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, has had a long and lustrous career. His accomplishments include  being awarded the Tecumseh Peacekeeping Award for leadership in moving the State of Michigan courts and tribal courts away from conflict and toward cooperation. Petoskey is now the newest member of the NARF Board of Directors. Join us in congratulating him! 

Hawaiian & Indigenous Health & Healing Scholarship Fund, University of Hawai’i Foundation

Hawaiian & Indigenous Health & Healing Scholarship Fund, University of Hawai’i Foundation Please consider donating to the University of Hawai’i West O’ahu’s Hawai’ian and Indigenous Health & Healing Scholarship  Fund. This program is  providing cutting-edge, decolonizing classes helping Hawai’ians recover and fortify their traditional knowledge and lifeways, all in the context of modern times. This will serve as a model for other indigenous nations later- help it grow if you can! Our goal is to… Read More »Hawaiian & Indigenous Health & Healing Scholarship Fund, University of Hawai’i Foundation

Colorado Bar Association – Introduction to the Indigenous Peacemaking Initiative

Colorado Bar Association – Introduction to the Indigenous Peacemaking Initiative  Mark your calendars for June 11, 2021 at 12:00PM MST. Register now for early bird discount by Tuesday, June 01, 2021. Final registration deadline, Thursday, June 10, 2021.  Learn how to implement traditions for dispute resolution in Tribal courts. A preferred approach for child welfare, juvenile offenders, and elder issues in Native American communities. Featuring Native American Rights Fund Staff Attorney, Oglala Sioux Tribal member,… Read More »Colorado Bar Association – Introduction to the Indigenous Peacemaking Initiative

For Graduate and Undergraduate Students, “Peacemaking Circles: Indigenous Healing in Times of Conflict” (August 6-8th, 2021):

For Graduate and Undergraduate Students, “Peacemaking Circles: Indigenous Healing in Times of Conflict” (August 6-8th, 2021): Navigating interpersonal and group conflicts through Peacemaking. Providing an opportunity to actively engage in scenario-based learning. To register, either click the attached flyer or this link: 

Moving Beyond Peace Education to Social Justice Education

“Moving Beyond Peace Education to Social Justice Education” is a visionary article, co-authored by Daisy Han and Trisha Moquino (groundbreaking founder of the Keres Children’s Learning Center in New Mexico and advocate for indigenous language revitalization)  provides a framework for radically changing peace education in elementary schools and beyond. “Cosmic and peace education requires that we develop in children and in ourselves an understanding of the history of racial and social injustice and the tools to dismantle… Read More »Moving Beyond Peace Education to Social Justice Education

Michigan State and Tribal Courts Training on Resiliency

Michigan State and Tribal Courts Training on Resiliency Judge Tim Connors shared the following recorded sessions from a recent Michigan state and tribal courts training on resiliency courts.  Learning about resiliency helps  peacemaking facilitation, and peacemaking circles are conducive to building resiliency for their participants.  Thank  you for sharing,  Judge Connors!  Training Session I – February 25, 2021 (Passcode: J%#MV19c) Training Session II – March 4, 221 (Passcode: Zjd8b9?P)

Virtual Peacemakers Gathering

IPI convened a meeting of approximately 30 peacemakers, from all across the US and Canada, on Friday March 5 to discuss cultural appropriation and peacemaking.   The group is putting finishing touches on a statement the peacemakers wanted to issue for all who are interested, so watch for that soon. In the meantime, here is a screen shot from one point in the meeting.

11th Annual International Cyber-Conference on Dispute Resolution, Wed. April 7 @ Noon-2:30 pm (US Pacific Coast Time)

Indigenous Peacemaking Initiative is co-hosting, the 11th Annual International Cyber-Conference on Dispute Resolution, focusing on, “Working Together to Build Common Ground: Moving Beyond the Echo Chambers”. Each year, the Cyber-conference has promoted a global town-hall style dialogue between students, professors, mediators, arbitrators, Indigenous Peacemakers, scholars, lawyers, judges, law-makers, teachers, community leaders, and restorative practitioners in both the public and private sector. The conference supports the work of those building safer and healthier communities all over… Read More »11th Annual International Cyber-Conference on Dispute Resolution, Wed. April 7 @ Noon-2:30 pm (US Pacific Coast Time)

Indigenous Women Peacemakers

Indigenous Women Peacemakers “Life Comes From It” speaker series featuring Peacemaker, Cheryl Demmert Fairbanks (Tlingit-Tsimshian), March 22, 2021, 9:00AM PST, register via the link below.

Peacemaker Judge Tim Connors

Peacemaker Judge Tim Connors A peek into honorable Judge Tim Connors court room. The practice of implementing peacemaking, a circular acknowledgment of one another. 

The Return of Peacemaking

The Return of Peacemaking Peacemaking Talking Circles, a traditional conflict resolution practice that is regaining favor in state and tribal courts. This recent Indian Country Today article describes how a peacemaking circle was used to address a prosecution when a native activist toppled a statue of Columbus in Minnesota.  It also includes quotes by Staff Attorney responsible for IPI, Brett Lee Shelton, and IPI Advisory Committee member Judge Timothy Connors. The link to the written… Read More »The Return of Peacemaking

Restorative Practices in Youth Justice

Restorative Practices in Youth Justice The Michigan Center for Youth Justice is presenting an expert panel discussion on youth justice, including Indigenous Peacemaking Initiative (IPI) Advisory Committee member, Tim Connors and dear friend to IPI, Belinda Dulin. The event is open to all who are interested. Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 2PM (Eastern Time) See details below Restorative justice is just one kind among a variety of restorative practices, which have deep roots in indigenous… Read More »Restorative Practices in Youth Justice

Tanam Awaa: Trauma Informed Benchbook

Peacemakers Recourse for Trauma Impact

Peacemakers Recourse for Trauma Impact The recent St. Paul Island project – Tanaam Awaa:  ‘Our Community’s Work’ Trauma-Informed Benchbook for Tribal Justice Systems” is an amazing work, both in content and aesthetically. Peaceamkers deal with trauma-impacted people all the time, just like judges, so this is very useful info and we are fortunate to the leadership of Judge Voluck at St. Paul Island in developing and sharing this resource. Go ahead, take a look- you’ll be… Read More »Peacemakers Recourse for Trauma Impact

Hawai’ian and Indigenous Health and Healing Roundhouse

Great photo of two Hawai’ian powerhouses in the Hawai’ian and Indigenous Health and Healing roundhouse, Manulani Aluli Meyer and Aunty Lynette Pagliniwan. These two are helping lead the way of a resurgence of Hawai’ian lifeways and healing from the colonial disruption. We are proud to have Manu as an Advisory Committee member for the IPI, and also to share in Aunty Lynette’s knowledge and insights whenever possible!

Podcast: “Notes from America”

Podcast: “Notes from America” Indigenous Peacemaking Initiative Advisory Committee members, Polly Hyslop and Cheryl Demmert Fairbanks are interviewed by Petrina Engelke for the German podcast, “Notes from America” also known as “Notizen aus Amerika.” The “Notes from America” podcast focuses on U.S. culture and politics. This episode specifically centers on conflict resolution from an Indigenous perspective. Advisory committee members, Polly and Cheryl’s part starts at 36:15 min. The English version will be forthcoming.

Congratulations to Advisory Committee Member, Carson Smith (Choctaw Nation Citizen)!

Congratulations to Advisory Committee Member, Carson Smith (Choctaw Nation Citizen)! Big congratulations to our colleague in peacemaking work, Advisory Committee member Carson Smith, (a Choctaw Nation citizen) she recently successfully completed her Master’s program at Oxford! Big things to come!  Carson’s next role is already in process, she is the first ever recipient of the Dispute Resolution Fellowship at Stanford University. Go Carson!

NATIVE COMMUNITIES: This is Not Our First Pandemic

NATIVE COMMUNITIES: This Is Not Our First Pandemic   Photo: Indigenous Representatives from around to world standing together to represent their respective communities. Photo provided by Sarah Ortegon   “Though tragic, it has also brought truth to light. Communities can create their own independent ecosystems of caring with food, housing, education, and health care for their people.” This yes! magazine article discusses using the wisdom of tribal communities to adapt to the pandemic and includes… Read More »NATIVE COMMUNITIES: This is Not Our First Pandemic

NEWS: National Congress of American Indians Resolution Supporting Peacemaking

The National Congress of American Indians will hold its annual convention, this year online, November 8-13.  This leading organization endorses the IPI, and has great things to say about peacemaking: “in the interests of protecting and promoting tribal sovereignty, strengthening Tribal governments, advancing Tribal self determination and advancing health and welfare of American Indians and Alaska Natives by providing more culturally appropriate and functional dispute resolution systems, the NCAI does hereby express its support for… Read More »NEWS: National Congress of American Indians Resolution Supporting Peacemaking